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Fozzie’s Tooth Fairy Song - Magazín

Fozzie’s Tooth Fairy Song

„Fozzie’s Tooth Fairy Song“ je píseň z rebootu muppet Babies z roku 2018. Vystupuje v epizodě „Tooth and Consequences“.

Hi-de-high on the mountain
Lives a fairy, nice and sweet
Who delivers little Dárky
When you lose one of your tooth
She lives in a toothy castle
At the tippy-top of the hill
And this is how you find it
If you’re ever in Fairyville

Take a walk through the Flossy Forest
Skip by the Toothbrush Trees
Whistle a little diddy
And watch for cavities
And when you’ve been a-walking
For a little while together
You’ll find the castle just beyond
The Minty Mouthwash River

Yes, the Tooth Fairy lives on the far side
Of the Minty Mouthwash River

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