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Dance Like You - Magazín

Dance Like You

You got then moves
You got the beat
In your uniquely fleet stone feet

Just be yourself
I think you’ll win
If all of your moves come from deep within

Dance like nobody’s watching
Let your soul shine through
Dance like nobody can
Dance like you

Other dance steps
Didn’t quite fit
But you’ve got to much grit to quit

Just look inside
Deep in your stone
You know there’s a dance that is your alone

Dance like nobody’s watching
Rock the way that you do
Dance like nobody else does
Dance like you (3x)

Shorts: Just Be You • Mummy Rap • Everybody Scream, Everybody Howl • Transylvania Girls • Boogieman Boogie • Ghoul Girls Play • School’s Out, Ghoul’s Out • Ghost Life • We Are the Ghoul Girls • Legendary • Walk Like a Zombie • Oops, Got Scared Again • Party in the Crypt • Creepy Beat

ČTĚTE:   Steele