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Fangtastický pocit z létání - Magazín

Fangtastický pocit z létání

Fangtastický pocit z létání

Well, you’ll zoom up and up
As you streak ‘cross the sky

You’re the world’s only stone
to go soaring so high
with the moon and the stars
and the clouds all around

There’s a reason that rocks stick to the ground

Oh, there’s nothing that’s so satisfying
as the fangtastic feeling of flying

You’ll be looping the loop
Where the air is so clear

Like a great granite bird
In the big batosphere

But my mom always said as I fondly remember
Čím tvrdší jsou, tím tvrdší padají

More than thrilling, I’d say terrifying
Oh, the fangtastic feeling of flying

You’ll scream as the wind rushes at you
The flight of the first flying statue

Vee and Demi:
Even for you there is just no deny
The fangtastic feeling of flying

Shorts: Just Be You • Mummy Rap • Everybody Scream, Everybody Howl • Transylvania Girls • Boogieman Boogie • Ghoul Girls Play • School’s Out, Ghoul’s Out • Ghost Life • We Are the Ghoul Girls • Legendary • Walk Like a Zombie • Oops, Got Scared Again • Party in the Crypt • Creepy Beat

ČTĚTE:   Kim Basingerová