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Náš nejlepší ghoul - Magazín

Náš nejlepší ghoul

It’s all those little moments
all the bad and good times

We don’t go through alone
with our best friends by our side

We could never replace you

That’s not what friends do

You’ll always be our best ghoul

We’re all in this together now and forever
Even when things get tough
Get lost along the way
We’ll pick you

We’ve got each other
There’ll never be another beat
to keep us in our groove
There’s no nobody else like you
You’re our best ghoul

Shorts: Just Be You • Mummy Rap • Everybody Scream, Everybody Howl • Transylvania Girls • Boogieman Boogie • Ghoul Girls Play • School’s Out, Ghoul’s Out • Ghost Life • We Are the Ghoul Girls • Legendary • Walk Like a Zombie • Oops, Got Scared Again • Party in the Crypt • Creepy Beat

ČTĚTE:   Bucky Barnes