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I Feel So Blue - Magazín

I Feel So Blue

„I Feel So Blue“ je píseň, která se objevuje v epizodě The 7D, „Grim the Genius“. Zpívá ji Grim Gloom, zpívá, jak se kvůli své hlouposti cítí modrý a přeje si, aby byl chytřejší, než je teď.

Grim: I feel so blue
Frog: Ribbit
Grim: I’m bluer than my hair, so blue
Frog: Ribbit
Grim: I mess up everywhere I try to do what’s right
Frog: Ribbit
Grim: But I’m just not that bright, I mess up day and night, sad but true
Frog: Bo-hoo

Grim: I feel so blue
Frog: He’s blue
Grim: Cause Hildy’s mad at me, I better come through
Frog: Come through
Grim: Wriggle in bad
Frog: Ribbit
Grim: Oh if I was smart, then Hildy’s heart will love me through and through, but I don’t have a clue
Frog: Ribbit
Grim: And that is why I feel so blue
Frog: He’s blue

Druhá série: „Když prasata létají/Škola rytířů“ • „V tvých snech, kamaráde/Velký Třpytivák“ • „Oh Happy Grumpy/Funniest Hair Day“ • „Say Pest to the Dress/Delight Me, Delight Me Not“ • „Whose Voice Is It Anyway?/Take Your Pet to Lunch Day“ • „Jollyball anyone?/Giggleberries“ • „Miss Fortune Teller/Grump-Tiki“ • „You Ain’t Seen Nothing’ Yeti!/Which Witch Is Which?“ • „The Family Pickles/Chicken Soup for the Troll“ • „Dr. Jingleheimer/The Enchanted Forest Ranger“ • „Nicely Done and The 7D/Take Me to Your Grumpy“ • „Smarty Tooth/Surely, You Jest“ • „Hop To It, Dopey!/What Are You, Five?“ • „Bedknobs and Gloomsticks/Take Care of Your Elf“ • „7D and the Beast/Game of Grumpy“ • „Bummer Vacation/They Growl by Night“ • „Planks, But No Planks/The Jollywood Games“ • „There’s a Monkey in My Hat/Shapeshifter“ • „Water Ya Doin’ Dopey/Once in a Purple Moon“ • „A Sneeze in Time/A Royal Pain in the Castle“